What brings us together at Outstanding.Global Ltd.
• Conservation
• Sustainability
• Community
• Empowerment from the connection between nature & human nature
• Story telling
• Environment & education
• Arts releasing creative potential and personal leadership qualities to improve individual and team performance.
• Dynamism
• Diverse backgrounds
The Code of Ethics and Conduct (“the Code”) is reflective of our unique culture and approach, supporting our ethos of ‘open hearted leadership’, embracing both the Environment and the Arts as crucial components in driving a sustainable future for us and our stakeholders.
Since the inception of Outstanding.Global, our core values have developed to become synonymous with outstanding quality, honesty, vibrancy and interconnectivity of nature and human nature. Our professional working environment, approach and well-being must reflect our core values.
We aim to conduct our interactions with nature, business and our stakeholders, with integrity at all times and to maintain the personal and trusting relationships, found within Outstanding.Global, which have been formed over the years. Our personal connections and relationships are considered one of our most valuable assets. As such, and in order to create the best experience and working environment for all our key stakeholders and amongst ourselves, we must recognise that one incident, negative news story or inappropriate comment could damage the trust we have worked so hard to build within the communities that we serve and with our stakeholders.
As part of the Outstanding.Global network, you are encouraged to use your voice should you have any concerns or see something wrong which could negatively affect our reputation. We ask that you raise any issues with Nigel Hughes, Founding Director.
The Code provides standards of conduct which reflects our ethos and how we interact with our stakeholders. We expect our team and our wider stakeholders to respect and uphold our values as a social conscious organisation, respecting nature and being respectful in our human interactions with each other. Complying with this code will help to ensure we operate our business responsibly, we make ethical decisions, and we maintain our reputation for outstanding quality, honesty and mutual respect. We must ensure compliance with legal requirements, wherever we operate and always strive to meet the highest standards of good governance.
This Code applies to all Members, to all Associates, and to Consultants of Outstanding.Global and other parties with an interest in Outstanding.Global, for example Actors, Producers, Partners and Stakeholders when acting on behalf of, or in connection with Outstanding.Global.
What is expected of us all (Members, consultants and other interested parties)?
We are expected to:
• Read this code, comply with it, and the law wherever we operate on behalf of Outstanding. Global. • Use good judgment and avoid even the appearance of improper behaviour. • Consider our actions, and seek guidance if we are unsure of the risks, for example reputational risks, environmental risks etc.
If ever in doubt about a course of conduct, we can ask ourselves:
• Is it consistent with our values and culture? • Is it consistent with the Code? • Is it ethical? • Is it legal? • Will it reflect well on me and Outstanding.Global? • Would I want to read about it in the newspaper or on social media?
If the answer is “No” to any of these questions, don’t do it!
This Code requires that we all:
• Conduct our activities with honesty and integrity, which will be demonstrated by our professional and personal conduct. • Treat each other, partners, and beneficiaries with dignity and respect, and by adopting a zero-tolerance approach, challenge any form of harassment, discrimination, exploitation or abuse. • Seek to protect the health, safety, security and well-being of all colleagues, partners, and beneficiaries. • Seek to promote human rights, protect the environment and oppose unethical activities, including modern slavery and human trafficking. • Conduct our activities with transparency and restrict information only where the wider business interest or commercial considerations clearly demands it. • Respect the legitimate interests of all those with whom we have relationships.
We are successful because we are one team working towards the common goals that bring us together, but we represent many ideas, experiences and backgrounds. We value each other’s contributions and believe that everyone should have an equal chance to succeed — Each of us does our part to keep Outstanding.Global diverse, inclusive, considerate and respectful through our positive human and environmental interactions.
We are committed to nurturing diversity and creating an environment with mutual trust and respect, one which enhances the performance and reputation of our organisation.
This means you should:
• Treat others the way we like to be treated. • Celebrate our diversity. • Listen and be receptive to different points of view. • Speak up immediately if you see or suspect discrimination or harassment based on someone’s race, colour, gender, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or any other characteristic protected by law. • Promote an environment free of harassment, bullying and abusive conduct—whether physical, verbal or visual. You can share your concerns with the assurance that Outstanding.Global does not tolerate retaliation against anyone who raises issues or concerns, in good faith.
We aim to engage team members that reflect Outstanding.Global’s ethos, values and diversity. We welcome team members irrespective of their age, gender, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation or marital status.
We will provide our members with safe and healthy working conditions and practices. For more information on Health & Safety, please see our Health & Safety policy.
We are committed to establishing mutually beneficial relationships with our partners, clients, associated and other key stakeholders. We aim to protect our property (including intellectual property) and to respect the property of others.
Throughout the course of your conduct, you should work to ensure that all business relationships are protected, in this regard, at all times.
We will not give or receive, directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper advantages for business or financial gain. No-one covered by this Code or any member of their immediate family may offer, give or receive any gift, payment, entertainment, travel, service or other benefit which is, or may reasonably be construed as being, a bribe or otherwise improper.
We do accept donations and funding that objectively support our work in the areas of conservation, the environment and wider areas of sustainability.
During the course of our work, People will share and trust us to protect their personal information. We respect the privacy of our members, partners, associate and stakeholders, and we handle their personal data with care. “Personal data” is any information that could be used to identify someone, either directly or indirectly. We only share information that we have been permitted to share by the individual concerned. There are data privacy laws that prescribe how to responsibly collect, store, use, share, transfer and dispose of personal information. We strive to comply with those laws everywhere we operate.
We ask that our members, partners, associate and stakeholders, protect any personal information that is entrusted to you. Use it only in the way it’s meant to be used and don’t share it with anyone in an unauthorised manner. Practice good cybersecurity, too to protect your information and that associated with Outstanding Global and its partners.
If you are contacted by a government official or one of our partners e.g., tax/audit/legal partners, politely direct the individual to Nigel Hughes, Founding Director. In its responsibilities for helping to respond to a government/audit/tax/legal request, Outstanding.Global will tell the truth. We never mislead anyone, impede their work or conceal, destroy or alter documents.
We will avoid situations where a conflict of interest might occur or appear to occur. A conflict of interest exists where the interests or benefits of one person or entity conflict with the interests or benefits of the organisation (Outstanding.Global). Examples of where a conflict of interest may occur include personal relationships within the organisation, outside the organisation, outside directorships, other business interests, and related parties (e.g., family members) and therefore these must be declared at the beginning of the activity, meeting, or situation, where they arise.
In all cases of doubt, appropriate guidance should be sought in the first instance from Nigel Hughes, Founding Director.
We are committed to making continuous and positive impact in our interactions with our environment, as part of our goal of developing a sustainable organisation. We will work to promote environmental care and awareness with an emphasis on the need to support conservation, promote sustainability and to manage our carbon footprint.
We recognise that our partners, associate, suppliers make a significant contribution to our success and we will seek to access skills, knowledge, experience based on quality, need, fair terms & conditions and reflecting our high regard for integrity and honesty.
Under no circumstances should anyone acting on behalf of Outstanding.Global attempt to coerce those associated with us in any way.
Do your part to uphold our ethos of fairness, honesty, integrity that reflects Outstanding.Global’s high standards and ensure that we operate ethically, in compliance with the law and in a way that is consistent with our Code and our values.
We are good stewards of our assets. Our assets include everything that Outstanding.Global owns or uses to conduct its work. Each of us is entrusted with the care of these assets, so be proactive in safeguarding them from loss, damage, theft, waste and improper use.
Confidential information and intellectual property represent the outcome of significant company investment and hard work. Trade secrets, patents, copyrights, trademarks, business plans, film scripts and ideas, databases, customer lists—when you help protect these assets, you help protect our competitive advantage.
You will at times have access to confidential information in respect of your work relating to Outstanding.Global. You are expected to keep confidential information, strictly private at all times – this includes during your relationship with Outstanding.Global and after your relationship has ceased. All members, associates, partners and stakeholders are expected to abide by their confidentiality duties, as requested unless required by law not to do so. If you are unsure what constitutes confidential information, please seek advice from Nigel Hughes, Founding Director
We make sure that information shared about Outstanding.Global is consistent, accurate and complete. In order to ensure that accurate and complete information is conveyed to the public, to regulators and to others, we have to balance the support we have for you sharing information that Outstanding.Global is promoting; with the risks associated with stakeholders attributing independent policy and position statements that have not been authorised by Outstanding.Global, on its behalf. Please refer to Nigel Hughes, Founding Director if advice is needed, in this area.
Outstanding.Global operates a zero-tolerance policy in respect of the use of its email for inappropriate use. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of emails or social media platforms to bully or harass or use the email for gambling, accessing or transmitting pornography, or accessing or transmitting any other offensive or unacceptable materials.
We must obey all applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulatory orders of the countries in which we operate. We all play an equal part in ensuring that our conduct and the way we operate, does not compromise our commitment to the relevant laws and regulations.
We will conduct our operations in accordance with accepted principles of good corporate governance.
We are committed to seek to develop long term sustainable solutions for the beneficiaries of our work which will have a lasting impact on improving Human Nature and our environment.
Compliance with this Code is essential to underpin our values and to the achievement of Outstanding.Global’s success. Failure to comply with this Code may lead to Outstanding.Global severing ties for serious breaches.
Day to day responsibility for promoting and implementing the Code lies with all of us as members and stakeholders.
Any breach or suspected breach of this Code should be raised with Nigel Hughes, Founding Director.
Please note we reserve the right to update this Code and make changes as and when required.
Updated May 2021